Tools I Use

Below is a list of the woodworking and metalworking tools I use in my shop. This probably isn't totally complete, but this gives you a good idea of the major tools in my shop. Note: the links below are affiliate links. Thanks!


Stationary Power Tools

Tools that don't move around unless I'm making major changes. These are all ducted in to my dust collection system. I keep all of these larger tools on mobile bases for this reason.

Handheld Power Tools

Tools that you bring to the work, rather than vise versa. Most of these get used on almost every project, and are great for people with limited shop space. 

Hand Tools and Sharpening

This is a partial list (most of my hand tools aren't available on Amazon) of the hand tools I use most frequently, along with the items I use for sharpening. 

Clamps, Jigs, and Accessories

The add-on items I use that go along with my power tools. A lot of these jigs can be made if you'd rather not spend the money on the jigs, but I'm too lazy for that. :)

Air Powered Tools & Other Fastening Tools

These are the tools that I use with my air compressor, mostly Arrow Fastener branded tools.

Metalworking Tools

My welder, plasma cutter, and other metalworking tools. I don't use them on every project, but when I'm working with metal, they really help with my efficiency. 

Digital Fabrication Tools

These are the tools that are the most awe-inspiring to use in the shop, they control themselves with a computer. Pretty incredible stuff. 

Ultimaker 3 3D Printer from Matter Hackers

Inventables X-Carve CNC, 1000mm x 1000mm

Full Spectrum Muse Laser Cutter